Working with Geospatial support in MongoDB with NodeJS
MongoDB’s geospatial indexing allows you to efficiently execute spatial queries on a collection that contains geospatial shapes and points. This tutorial will briefly introduce the concepts of geospatial indexes, and then demonstrate their use with $geoWithin, $geoIntersects, and geoNear.
At my current project I’m working on requires storage of and queries on Geospatial data. We are using MongoDB, which has good support for Geospatial data, at least good enough for my needs. This post walks through the basics of how to work with mongodb geospatial data in Nodejs
We are using MongoDB 3.4
. Mongo has some very awesome and useful function for doing spatial operation like $geoNear
etc. All of them has some restriction like they don’t support shading. Here I will use $near
with nodejs example.
MongoDB supports storage of geospatial types, represented as GeoJSON
objects, like Point
, LineString
and Polygon
. I will use Point
one in this post.
Query options
- Inclusion: Whether locations are included in a polygon
- Intersection: Whether locations intersect with a specified geometry
- Proximity: Querying for points nearest other points
Index options
- 2d : Calculations are done based on flat geometry
- 2dsphere : Calculations are done based on spherical geometry
As you can imagine, 2dsphere is more accurate, especially for points that are further apart. In this example, I’m using a 2dsphere index, and doing proximity queries.
First I’m doing the Mongo Schema Design with express and assume the model is a Car
we will do geo spatial query with car location.
// CarModel.js
import mongoose from 'mongoose';
const Schema = mongoose.Schema;
const geoSchema = new Schema({
type: {
type: String,
default: 'Point'
coordinates: {
type: [Number]
const carSchema = new Schema({
car_id : {
type : String,
required : [true, 'Car id is required']
car_name : {
type : String
location : {
type: geoSchema,
index: '2dsphere'
},{timestamp : true});
const Car = mongoose.model('Car', carSchema);
export default Car;
as you see I’m doing 2dsphere
indexing the location. Now I’m writing the insertion and Queries for geo spatial for finding nearest car.
Inserting car into mongodb
const newCar = new Car({
{ car_id: "1234556", location: { type: "Point", coordinates: [90.361006, 23.752726]}}
// do something
// debug
Ok, Now Lets find nearest car of a point,
// Query, distance is in meters
Car.find({location: {$near: {$geometry: {type: "Point", coordinates: [90.366322, 23.755469]}, $maxDistance: 100}}})
You can increase or decrease the maxDistance
as you want.
Cheers :)